Bringing the hidden resource together

Exidex - at a glance

Date of next meeting: this is the closest weekday to the 11th (xi in roman numerals!) of every month.

Our next get-together will be Friday 10th March where the bright ideas are bound to mirror the green shoots of spring! Please do make sure I have your email address so that I can keep you informed.

What is the Exidex? The Experienced Individuals Ideas Exchange is a new project where Experienced Individuals "Exies" can exchange ideas that can be either commercial or philanthropic in nature.

Exidex brings a unique resource and opportunity together – to help more experienced people make a real difference. This will not just improve their own lives, self-esteem and potentially even their financial situation but will also help businesses to reconnect with the changing demographics of the workforce and the population as a whole.

We believe that we need to try to take advantage of this tremendous chance to harness the energy, positivity and accumulated knowledge of people that have Experience.

The beauty of the Exidex is that you never know what will happen, or what ideas will crop up. This is a group that uses existing relationships that Exies have built up over years, which are otherwise going to waste – it is not just a networking group because Exies already have tremendous networks of friends, colleagues and associates. The idea is to put those networks to use.

Ideas and proposals can be brought to the group and given airtime so that the Exies can use their knowledge and expertise to uncover new input, suggestions and possibly pitfalls that had not previously been noticed.

The ideas that the Exies bring do not necessarily have to be revenue generating business ideas – they could be in the charity sector or anything that the Exie feels will be interesting. The aim is to create the buzz that can be found in small groups when ideas are floated and refined, when the sum of the whole is greater than the constituent parts – to bring the zip back into the lives of talented and creative people.

Exidex ideas that have become actual businesses:



English O'Clock

If you get a chance, please take 15 minutes for this TEDx talk where Mary Catherine Bateson introduces the concept of The Age of Active Wisdom - a time of opportunity, freedom and productivity. This is at the core of the Exidex concept.

is for people who can identify with one or more of the following:

● not in work

● motivated by being pro-active

● may have taken early retirement or a career break and are now looking for something stimulating and productive to do

● would like to gain employment by offering their skills and experience

● whose children may have flown the nest and are now looking for new opportunities

● in a job that is not making the best use of their relationships and capabilities

How it works

Exies meet once a month for a couple of hours at a convenient, comfortable central location in a relaxed yet business-like environment, if possible. Obviously if something creeps up on us such as a global virus pandemic we might have to grudgingly accept change - we did switch to Zoom meetings for a little while. We're going to enjoy face to face meetings from now on though as long as the latest rules allow.

There is no charge to attend, but we do ask for a donation of £5 to cover our costs.

We want to keep things interesting and for Exies to share ideas. Ideally 6-10 Exies will meet up, which will present the best opportunities for everyone to learn something new.

Our next meeting is on Friday 10th March 2023 - details to follow!

Please do take a look at what went on in some of our recent meetings:

Some Cybersecurity advice, some local independent shop news and what can be done to support Stortford's Ukrainian refugees can be found here!

A few thoughts, ideas and requests from the Fexidex can be found here!

Some thoughts about 2022 and what's going on can be found in notes from our January chat here.

News about our recent Awaydex as well as lots of good ideas and suggestions at our October Exidex!

Lots of ideas for our empty retail spaces here at our September meeting. 

Houses, pings and space to have ideas - these are some of the things we reflected on at the Augustidex!

Bees, Borage and Being Blanked - all part of the wide-ranging and free flowing ideas that cropped (sorry) up at our July Exidex. Read more here.

At our June meeting we welcomed Zara Skidmore, who spoke to us about Bishop's Wellbeing, Operation Community, Age Concern, working together in collaboration with other agencies for good... and a whole lot more! You can read all about it here.

At our May meeting we met up in person for the first time in what felt like for ever, which was great. We just had a good chat and a catch up - you can read a summary of what we discussed here.

At our April meeting we had a very thoughtful (at times emotional and shocking) talk with a local person of Asian descent, who spoke about the rise in the racism and abuse that has been directed at that community since the outbreak of the pandemic. You can read all about it here.

At our March meeting, we had a visitor - Tom Watkins of Communities 1st (https://www.communities1st.org.uk/) which is a nationally recognised Herts-based charity that supports good causes right across the region. You can read all about our discussions here.

You can find reports from our previous meetings on our LinkedIn company page here. We also have a LinkedIn group which you are most welcome to join!

You can keep up to date with news and information for Exies as well as the latest details of our upcoming meetings on our Facebook group (search Exidex), on our Twitter feed (@exidexies) or on the LinkedIn page here. Please give us a "follow"!

If you or anyone that you know could fit the description, or might be interested in coming along please do get in touch with us at ideas@exidex.com

Thanks and see you soon!